Play 60 seconds survival game
Play 60 seconds survival game

Your shelter will fail sooner or later and your only chance is to last long enough for the army to come and rescue you. If you do not get enough supplies or missed some key items, you are in for a rough time: you'll have to send family members out to scavenge and the people who stay behind might go insane from boredom. You only have 60 seconds to grab your family members and any supplies you have around your house before you have to lock the hatch. Fallout Shelter Fail: The shelter is built well enough to survive the nuclear attack and the aftermath but you failed to stock it with the necessary supplies ahead of time.Eagleland: The game setting is mostly a parody of Type 1, with a few sprinkles of Type 2 mixed in for good measure.Dysfunction Junction: The entire town the family lives in seems to be this beneath the idyllic facade, even After the End.

play 60 seconds survival game

  • Curse Cut Short: Milder curses like "damn" and "hell" are all over the script, but stronger ones are censored, such as when "Ted seems to be doing alright, even though the world has gone to sh.
  • Creepy Cockroach: The scary glowing giant (cock)roaches that are possibly as large as a cat.
  • There's still a functioning government somewhere, periodic air drops, a chance of being rescued and even music played over the radio if you're lucky.
  • Cozy Catastrophe: Downplayed, but it's made evident over time that while life is far from rosy after the nuclear war, it's not all bad.
  • Glowing spiders, instant mutations, contagious mutations.


    Artistic License – Nuclear Physics: Most of the game's events utilize a lot of the common tropes associated with radiation.

    play 60 seconds survival game

    How this is managed in a room with nothing in it but four chairs and some soup is never explained.

  • Bug spray can be used to make drugs and refill the first aid kit.
  • Not by using it to cauterize a wound, but rather to "kill the smell".

    play 60 seconds survival game

    It's possible to use ammunition to cure a family member's wounds.Artistic License – Medicine: Played for laughs.Apocalyptic Log: The main events of the game are told through this Trope.

    Play 60 seconds survival game